If you are looking for an Anna Maria Island Home Inspector you have come to the right place. We inspected this waterfront gem in Anna Maria today. Home inspections on Anna Maria Island are a always a pleasure. The beautiful locale cannot be improved upon. Thankfully this house was also in pretty good shape. As with any newly constructed home, the builder had left “a few” items unfinished. Luckily we were able to provide the buyers with a list of our observations they were able to pass along to the builder for repair and finishing.
The houses on Anna Maria Island vary from older homes to multi-story waterfront Key West style gems. This home falls in the latter category. A three-story home with five bathrooms and four bedrooms, it featured an unparalleled view of the Sunshine Skyway Bridge. I’ll admit, I had visions of living there myself.
If you are in the market to purchase a home on Anna Maria Island and would like the home inspected please feel free to give us a call to discuss your inspection options. Our Anna Maria Island home inspections include a review of the roof, plumbing, air conditioning and electrical systems as well as the exteriors, interiors, appliances and swimming pool. In addition we also bring along a licensed air conditioning company to properly check out your AC system. This is of primary importance in Florida where air conditioning is not an option, it is a necessity.