Download the Uniform Wind Mitigation Verification Inspection Form: OIR-B1-1802eff02012012 WHAT GETS INSPECTED? The inspector reviews the strength of the building against hurricane force winds and impact by flying projectiles. Many older Florida homes are unprotected against hurricane force winds. The inspector will look at the year the house is built and the age of the […]
Here’s another image we designed that aims to explain what a wind mitigation inspection is. The inspector will look over the house’s roof, attic and openings for their level of strength. Many older Florida homes have little to no modern protections against hurricane force winds and it is advisable to upgrade the home. Primarily, homeowners […]
Here’s an infographic that we designed to better explain what a an inspector is looking for during a wind mitigation inspection. In general, the inspector is reviewing the strength of the building against hurricane force winds and impact by flying projectiles. Many older Florida homes have little to no modern protections against hurricane force winds […]